Career Postings

SITE Canada’s career postings page is where employers and job seekers can come together to access business event employment opportunities.  In an effort to rebuild our industry, this resource is complimentary and available to SITE members and non-members. 

To keep this opportunity relevant, positions must only be those related to the incentive travel/meetings and events industry.  This career postings page will be promoted on our social media channels and our SITE Canada newsletter.

Please note SITE Canada does not vet, approve or endorse any of the listings on this page. This page is a service for our members who are looking for a job (which is why we are allowing non-members to post jobs) or hiring staff.


To submit a position for posting please submit the job listing (PDF format only) or a web link directly to the job posting to and we will post the PDF or link on this page. Unless advised otherwise, job postings will be kept on the website for up to 90 days. 


Posted January 26 2024

Business Development Manager, Western Canada - e=mc2 events